Sunday, 4 November 2012

Production: Half Term Filming Overview

Filming our video- Reflection

Over the half-term our group took out the camera and equipment to start our filming. We filmed for a total of four days starting on Thursday to get most, if not all, our footage done.

Here is a day by day break down of our half-term filming:

On Thursday we filmed at Blitz, the vintage store in Brick Lane, East London. We had various different ideas on what part of the store to film, with what camera angles, and with what different shot types.

We managed to film in various parts of the store both the downstairs and upstairs departments. We filmed in front of store clothes, mirrors, changing rooms and quirky store collections to give our video the retro look that we want.

Overall filming at Blitz went well, we had managed to gain many camera shots at the shop, from different angles and positions. We had left Blitz with allot of footage which is good for us to have a wide selection to choose from.

On Friday we filmed at two locations, firstly at the London Eye and the river bank and then we went off to Alexandra Palace to film there.

Filming at the riverbank at the Thames went well. There was much action around us when filming, being a Friday at the Thames, which was entertaining to be around and added to the scenes that we filmed in the video. We filmed shots of our artist wondering around the riverbank, with the elements in the background. Upon arrival we saw a carousel at the riverbank. We decided that having our artist on the carousel could potentionally make some good, interesting shots so we filmed her going around the carousel with the camera stationary.
We also filmed Vanessa near a mirror there to have again an interesting view with her reflection.

On Saturday we went to Zee's house in London, we was planning to film in a bedroom at her home, went when we arrived we decided that Vanessa's home would be better suited for the genre of the song. So we headed down to Essex, via train.

At Vanessa's home we did some shots in her bedroom, showing our artist before she leaves her home in the rest of the song. We filmed shots in the kitchen filming jump cuts of bites being eaten out of a toast for the part 'eating cheese on toast' We also filmed some worms eye view shots of pearls being thrown for the part 'gave me those pearls and I thought they we ugly' A long day of travelling and filming, we ended up with really good shots that will make the video more quirky.

On Sunday our final day of filming at the half-term, we went  to a friend of Vanessa's home to film some shots of our artist playing the piano to form the intro for our song. We was able to make a good selection of shots with added additions such as stars and balloons, before both batteries for the camera ran out, which shows how much we got done throughout the four days.

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